A Blog About Health In Times Of Austerity

Posts tagged "public health"
Older and cared for

Older and cared for

Recently I was gently but clearly reprimanded in my local pharmacy. I had gone with my chicken-poxy child to buy some anti-itch ointment. Sweden, like the UK, does not routinely vaccinate children against the varicella zoster virus. ‘It’s very contagious,... More…
Black masculinities and 'the Beast' that is prostate cancer

Black masculinities and ‘the Beast’ that is prostate cancer

A new report Hear me Now by the organisation BME Cancer Communities has highlighted an ‘uncomfortable reality’:  black African Caribbean men in the UK are 30 per cent more likely to die from prostate cancer than white men. They have... More…
“Processed meat” – it is advisable to engage brain before opening mouth

“Processed meat” – it is advisable to engage brain before opening mouth

When the number crunchers at the EPIC project noticed a significant statistical association between processed meat consumption and premature death, someone involved thought it was a good idea to go public. And what better way to draw their findings to... More…
Can we afford to abandon universal benefits?

Can we afford to abandon universal benefits?

With means tested child benefit, and older people’s bus passes under threat we’re told that subsiding the affluent and universal benefits are no longer affordable. New rules this week for parents where one earns over £50k mean filling in complicated... More…
“Public Health a la carte” – Why social scientists should be interested

“Public Health a la carte” – Why social scientists should be interested

The UK Faculty of Public Health defines public health as “the science and art of promoting and protecting health and well-being, preventing ill-health and prolonging life through the organised efforts of society.” The Faculty’s approach is based on the assertion... More…
Public Health à la carte

Public Health à la carte

New guidance on breast screening will stress the importance of individual choice in the context of access to (and understanding of) scientific information. It is now official NHS policy to draw attention to the fact that population-based breast cancer screening... More…
Snog, eat, avoid?

Snog, eat, avoid?

Beloved companion or health risk?  Or dinner? Start a debate about how we should relate to other species, and sparks soon fly – the ethics of hunting, bull fighting, laboratory tests on rabbits, eating some animals and not others, and... More…