A Blog About Health In Times Of Austerity

Posts tagged "mental health"
Do mental health anti-stigma campaigns work? #IAMWHOLE

Do mental health anti-stigma campaigns work? #IAMWHOLE

To mark World Mental Health day 2016, the NHS, working in partnership with YMCA, has launched a new campaign #IAMWHOLE . This is designed to challenge stigma about mental health and specifically targets young people. It is the first time that... More…
The Only Way We’ll Get Change Is Through Involving People In Change

The Only Way We’ll Get Change Is Through Involving People In Change

All the evidence suggests that current social policy is failing miserably. It is increasing poverty and inequality, undermining social cohesion and personal relations, spreading insecurity and damaging and stigmatising some of the most marginalised groups in society, like disabled people... More…
Meanings of Recovery – Exploring the Long Shadow of Illness

Meanings of Recovery – Exploring the Long Shadow of Illness

A symposium on ‘The Meanings of Recovery’ was recently held at the University of Surrey. Speakers from a range of disciplines and professional backgrounds came together to discuss the ways that recovery has been conceptualised by different groups across various... More…
Domestic Violence in the Archers: Gender, Mental Health and Victim Blame

Domestic Violence in the Archers: Gender, Mental Health and Victim Blame

When Helen Titchener finally took a knife to abusive husband, Rob, there was a national outpouring of relief from Archers fans, who had become increasingly frustrated with the long running, apparently endless subjugation of Helen. Others had long switched off,... More…


How does it feel to have a young person in your care experience psychosis for the first time? An impressionistic answer to this question played out over sixty minutes in a studio theatre in Easterhouse, Glasgow: distress, frustration, repetition, annoyance,... More…
Measuring Ideology

Measuring Ideology

The Work Capability Assessment (WCA), introduced in 2007 by the Department of Work and Pensions (DWP) under the last Labour government, is likely to form a key component in the current Conservative government’s commitment to reducing the UK welfare bill... More…
The Paradox of Stigma in Mental Health: Germanwings Flight 9525

The Paradox of Stigma in Mental Health: Germanwings Flight 9525

On the 24th March 2015 Germanwings Flight 9525 crashed into the French Alps killing all 150 passengers and flight staff. Amidst the shock of this tragedy French Police and Air Crash Investigators began to piece together the details of the... More…
Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services in Crisis

CAMHS in Crisis

There’s been more bad news recently about the state of young people’s mental health. One in five 11-15 year-olds in England now report self-harming. The number of people who die by suicide is also increasing, as is the number of... More…
Black and Minority Ethnic (BME) Mental Health Policy at a Cross Roads in the UK

Black and Minority Ethnic (BME) Mental Health Policy at a Cross Roads in the UK

BME inequality in terms of mental health service use and service provision is no further forward than it was 10 years ago. It needs to be urgently addressed as a high priority area of social policy. More…
On trying to do therapy when your patient has no food or money

On trying to do therapy when your patient has no food or money

Last week, I called someone I was due to see that afternoon to remind them I was coming round (standard practice in learning disability, and good practice in general). ‘How are you?’, I asked. ‘A bit pissed off’, they said.... More…
‘Hard Times’ in The Archers at Christmas

‘Hard Times’ in The Archers at Christmas

It is often said that if Charles Dickens were writing now it would be for a popular soap opera perhaps as a script-writer for BBC radio 4 serial The Archers.  John Yorke described soaps as ‘modern morality plays’; the latest... More…
Selling Stigma: Mental Illness and the Media

Selling Stigma: Mental Illness and the Media

In the same week that we celebrate World Mental Health Day, the Sun newspaper ran a front page headline which read “1,200 killed by mental patients”. The statistics were written in lurid ‘blood red’ with much smaller writing below which stated... More…