Gender, sexuality and mental illness in Homeland
The American television network Showtime is becoming synonymous with highly acclaimed drama and post 9/11 series Homeland (2011) is no exception. Barack Obama is reportedly a huge fan of the programme and millions of UK viewers watched the tense series...
A page-turner about Primitive Natives, Mad Scientists...
Anna Patchett 2012 State of Wonder. Bloomsbury The Big Battalions of the international pharmaceutical industry will stop at nothing in their pursuit of profit, right? And megalomaniac scientists living in ethics-free zones are the ones who call the shots, yeah?...
Extreme Breastfeeding?
Few issues generate more controversy than breastfeeding and whether women breast or bottle feed their infants (with the exception perhaps of ‘natural’ versus ‘caesarian’ births). So what happens if the story features not an infant but a toddler or older...
Funny bodies
Stelarc is the artist who grew an ear on his arm. Growing an ear on your arm should be funny, right? Stelarc (originally Stelios Arcadiou) explores how bodies can be liberated from familiar limitations and opened up as a host...
Infection, Zombies and Us
Over the last few years we have seen plagues and infection gain a regular place in popular fiction – arguably this is due to ‘infection hysteria’ in news stories about ‘swine and avian flu’, ‘SARS’ and earlier ‘HIV’ panics. This...