A Blog About Health In Times Of Austerity

Bring Me Sunshine

Bring Me Sunshine

No matter how bad our summer may be, it seems that there is always room for at least one more scare story along the lines of ‘we are getting too much/too little sunshine for our health’.  The latest twist on... More…
Moving Targets

Moving Targets

Under the terms of the 2012 Health and Social Care Act, the ‘new’ NHS is to be based on four ‘new’ measures of ‘quality’, ‘safety’ and ‘value for money’. These measures are i. current best international standards of evidence, ii.... More…
Making Everyone Better – “Just Like That”

Making Everyone Better – “Just Like That”

What’s this? The late, great Tommy Cooper being posthumously recruited to the British Heart Foundation’s ‘be-good-and-take-your-medicine’ campaign? It’s Tommy’s job to encourage us all to take our daily statins. Because official wisdom says that the wellbeing of the population-at-large depends... More…