The Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse – one year on, what has changed?
Just over a year ago, at lunchtime on the 20th October 2022, UK news was dominated by the breaking story that Prime Minister Liz Truss had resigned with immediate effect. At the same time and only 2 miles away from...

Understanding Health Inequalities in Scotland – Getting Beyond Death and Despair in (Quantified) Data
Two high profile reports on health inequalities in Scotland were launched last month. The first, Leave No One Behind(a Health Foundation report), aimed to provide a multi-dimensional, up-to-date analysis of health inequalities in Scotland. The second, Closing the Gap (from...

Chaplains: what do they do, and why is it important?
I have been working on a postdoctoral research project during the recent two years which has specifically examined the experiences of Swedish military chaplains, healthcare chaplains, and the lives of military veterans in the aftermath of PTSD or moral and spiritual injury. One shared conclusion across these interview studies...

Help-seeking: where’s the help?
Please note: This piece contains mentions of self-harm and suicide When I [Veronica] present my work, I often begin with statistics highlighting the disparity between the prevalence of self-harm and rates of help-seeking. It often feels that this disparity communicates...

It was the worst of times, it was the BeSST of times
The stirring of medical students’ sociological imagination in 2020 Teaching sociology to medical students is challenging in the best of times. Marked by the global pandemic, last year was certainly the worst of times. Yet, as members of Behavioural and...

Pandemics and Colonial Indifference
Seeking perspective for our misleadingly named ‘unprecedented times,’ I re-read Albert Camus’ The Plague. Themes in the storyline of complacency, escapism, resignation, fear, heroism, altruism, heightened awareness of nature and death are reflected in the novel’s mainly male characters. The...

The Social Construction of Dental Fear
Fear of the dentist is one of the most common fears across Europe and North America. Recent research in the British Dental Journal suggesting that over 50% of the UK population claim to experience dental fear when visiting the dentist,...

Nudging behaviour is ineffective, naïve and unethical
Interventions to ‘nudge’ people into desirable behaviours have become popular with policy-makers internationally. In the UK, the Behavioural Insights Team – established under former premier David Cameron – are prolific nudgers, designing (amongst many others) inputs to reduce meat consumption, protect...

Mortality rates are still rising in the UK
And everyone is ignoring how many more people are dying When the UK’s annual mid-year population estimates were released in late June 2019, much of the media coverage focused on the fact that the population had risen, but growth rates had stalled. The...

Acknowledging Unpaid Public Work
The Need for Authentic Peer Support The idea of unpaid public work is an underexplored aspect of many women’s lives. Unpaid work might include: being a trustee on charitable boards, providing pastoral care and signposting people to welfare services, participating...

Fear & Pride in Kiev
I have been to some harrowing places. I have worked in conflict zones, and worked with both refugees and those who preyed on them. But it was at a Pride Parade that I was truly afraid. The setting: Kiev, the...

VIDEO: Public Health in the Calais Refugee Camp
Public Health in the Calais Refugee Camp: Environment, Health and Exclusion If you missed this year’s ‘Cost of Living’ Symposium it is now available to watch in the above video. Surindar Dhesi, School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences, University...