A Blog About Health In Times Of Austerity

Cancer Charities and the fight for Public Health (and Media Profile)

Cancer Charities and the fight for Public Health (and Media Profile)

Charity campaigns designed to shock are more and more commonplace. What does this tell us about the charity sector, and do these campaigns impact negatively on the ‘real’ work a charity undertakes? More…
Culturally appropriate health promotion, or cynical marketing ploy? Australia’s storm in a beer glass

Culturally appropriate health promotion, or cynical marketing ploy? Australia’s storm in a beer glass

Drinkwise Australia is one of those industry-funded bodies that does the corporate responsibility bit. In their case the big aim is to transform Australian drinking culture by championing the cause of moderation and so reduce harmful consumption patterns. “Yeah… and... More…
Health tomorrow?

Health tomorrow?

Health apps are all the rage, but have they really been taken to heart by the end consumer? More…
For integration, read fragmentation

For integration, read fragmentation

Integrated care as a panacea for all that ails the NHS masks wider processes of privatisation in the English healthcare system. Debate about the shape and tenor of integrated care is needed to reverse the ongoing marketisation of statutory English... More…
Taking responsibility for our health

Taking responsibility for our health

Last week the chairman of NICE, David Haslam called for patients to stop being deferential to doctors and be more proactive in ensuring that they receive the best healthcare available.  He argues that, patients should be more aware of the... More…
Holiday parasites and furry friends

Holiday parasites and furry friends

What did you bring back from your last holiday? Some happy memories, a sun-tan or perhaps something more exotic?  A parasite? A stray dog? Both? Seventy-five per-cent of new human diseases are zoonotic. Concern for human public health means monitoring... More…
‘BREAKING BAD’: markets, healthcare and drug money

‘BREAKING BAD’: markets, healthcare and drug money

The TV series Breaking Bad reached its conclusion at the end of September last year.  This acclaimed drama has been described as: the most revered show of the modern golden age of television; as Dostoevsky in the desert; and it... More…
Letter from America

Letter from America

A visit to the ‘land of freedom’ with its catastrophic health care costs is a warning not to be complacent about the NHS … Where it’s brushed against poison ivy, Kelly’s skin is badly blistered, a rash slowly spreading down... More…
A&E crisis is a symptom, not a cause

A&E crisis is a symptom, not a cause

Contrary to popular belief, attendances have stayed static since 2003 in what the Department of Health calls type 1 units – the big hospital-based A&E departments. Indeed, not a week passes without a news story about A&E departments: seven threatened... More…
Manufacturing perfect debtors: a comment on the UK debt industries

Manufacturing perfect debtors: a comment on the UK debt industries

The growing issue of personal debt (the so-called debt crisis) is more and more being represented as an issue of individual financial capability and responsibility. Problems of personal debt are constructed as something that can be remedied through improved access to financial management... More…
‘Hard Times’ in The Archers at Christmas

‘Hard Times’ in The Archers at Christmas

It is often said that if Charles Dickens were writing now it would be for a popular soap opera perhaps as a script-writer for BBC radio 4 serial The Archers.  John Yorke described soaps as ‘modern morality plays’; the latest... More…
Age of Sexual Consent – is it a Public Health issue anyway?

Age of Sexual Consent – is it a Public Health issue anyway?

Professor John Ashton, president of the Faculty of Public Health, has suggested that the Government consider lowering the age of sexual consent from 16 to 15. He has certainly put the cat amongst the political pigeons (which is fun to... More…