A Blog About Health In Times Of Austerity

TubeCrush: Privacy, Sexism and Consent in the Digital Age

TubeCrush: Privacy, Sexism and Consent in the Digital Age

Sexual desire and abuse have become networked and hashtag-able. Mobile devices have made women’s bodies more public, often without consent, and in ways that mark them as sexual objects. This takes place alongside a visual culture that expects women to... More…
Black and Minority Ethnic (BME) Mental Health Policy at a Cross Roads in the UK

Black and Minority Ethnic (BME) Mental Health Policy at a Cross Roads in the UK

BME inequality in terms of mental health service use and service provision is no further forward than it was 10 years ago. It needs to be urgently addressed as a high priority area of social policy. More…
‘Normal birth’ and ‘breast is best’: the neoliberalisation of reproduction

‘Normal birth’ and ‘breast is best’: the neoliberalisation of reproduction

Neoliberalism has influenced reproduction and birth in a myriad of ways. Much of this re-aapropriates feminist critiques, blunting them of their radical edge and inculcating market principles into childbirth and childcare More…
Disability and austerity

Disability and austerity

In the aftermath of the financial crisis of 2008, disabled people in the UK have been hit disproportionately hard by austerity. Austerity measures have had a strong impact on economic redistribution, in terms of widening income inequalities between disabled and... More…
Statins and their side effects

Statins and their side effects

Statins were the 20th century ‘blockbuster’ drug. Almost everyone could benefit from turning a Euro-American cholesterol into a Japanese one according to their supporters … And now they are off-patent, statins look better and better value to those seeing health... More…
Antibiotic Resistance. A Dire Emergency on Planet Earth – (fixable if the price is right…)

Antibiotic Resistance. A Dire Emergency on Planet Earth – (fixable if the price is right…)

The issue of ineffective anti-biotics is one driven more by market economics than treatment resistant diseases. A change of spending priorities could change the face of global health, but given the profit margins, this is unlikely to happen. More…
To Save or Let Die? Doctors’ Dilemmas in the Chinese Health Sector

To Save or Let Die? Doctors’ Dilemmas in the Chinese Health Sector

In May 2014, a Chinese farmer in Anhui Province cut off his own feet when they deteriorated into severe necrosis, causing unbearable pain. In 2012, a peasant in Hebei province amputated his festering leg using a saw and a fruit... More…
In search of a label

In search of a label

There have long been calls to stop labelling children as having special needs.  Department of Education figures released in 2012 show that 19.8% of pupils in England have special educational needs, of which 2.8% have statements of SEN.  And yet... More…
NHS Nu-Speak

NHS Nu-Speak

This email has been scanned for viruses; however we are unable to accept responsibility for any damage caused by the contents. The opinions expressed in this email represent the views of the sender, not [name removed] NHS Foundation Trust unless... More…
Mr Drew's School

Mr Drew’s School

The unintended consequences of targeted school interventions ‘Well what did I come down here for? Do you not know? I’m a problem child. I have problems behaving. Is there a part of that you don’t understand?’ Clark, aged 11, Mr... More…
"crisis, what crisis?"

“crisis, what crisis?”

Recent media stories about an NHS crisis function to divert attention away from the ideologically driven dismantling of a national institution More…
Statins - making people ill for the common good?

Statins – making people ill for the common good?

While Public Health zealots trumpet their claim to the moral high ground over statins, it’s still worth asking: “are they right?” Here’s a strange piece of news. This week, two of Britain’s top doctors (Knights of the Realm, no less)... More…