A Blog About Health In Times Of Austerity

The limits of participation?

The limits of participation?

All policies which prioritise the need and value of public participation are underpinned by the idea of a democratic deficit. A democratic deficit can be defined as failings in the levels of accountability and transparency in the ongoing operation of... More…
Turning the NHS into Uber

Turning the NHS into Uber

In October 2018 the NHS Digital App was launched amidst claims it will be the “digital NHS ‘front door’” to a range of services. Similar to apps such as “Push Doctor” and “GP at hand” it will provide advice, a... More…
‘Let them eat resilience’

"Let them eat resilience"

The genealogy of the vocabulary of resilience and why it matters for public health Nothing about the title of this post is original. The main title imitates that of an essay by historical sociologist Margaret Somers called ‘Let them eat social capital’,... More…
International Women's Day 2019

International Women’s Day 2019

International women’s day is celebrated on the 8th March every year. The day has its origins with the Socialist Party of America that organised a women’s day in February 1909, followed by the suggestion of an annual day. On March 8,... More…
Drugs: researchers shouldn’t just focus on the harms

Drugs: researchers shouldn’t just focus on the harms

Most drug research focuses on the harms they cause, but studying the pleasure they provide will improve our understanding of why people use them. Among other things, this knowledge could be used to help people who develop drug problems, such... More…
“There's none so deaf as those who will not hear”.

“There’s none so deaf as those who will not hear”.

A report released this week by the National Deaf Children’s Society (NDCS) shows that deaf children are falling even further behind their hearing peers in school than previously thought.  Figures show that 30.6% of deaf children achieve a grade 5 or... More…
Trouble in Arcadia: Citizen-led planning in the English countryside

Trouble in Arcadia: Citizen-led planning in the English countryside

The Localism Act (2011)identified local communities as best placed to determine the nature of development in their areas. Apparently, by empowering and responsibilising local communities, the rhetoric of localism in neighbourhood planning, marks an attempt to square democratic engagement with... More…
Trade Unions: Working from the Margins

Trade Unions: Working from the Margins

How UK trade unions can meet the needs of the contemporary labour force In a very poor attempt to offer up some ‘good’ news, Conservative party supporters continue to make much of the increased UK employment rate. Something that, on... More…
Frankie Boyle’s hamster & the NHS long-term plan

Frankie Boyle’s hamster & the NHS long-term plan

Back in what now seems like a curiously quaint era for UK civil democracy, the Scottish Independence referendum was the once-in-a-generation opportunity for a group of people to take back control™ of their own political destiny. Despite what must have... More…
Seeing Things

Seeing Things

When people experience anxiety and become hyper-vigilant, mass psychogenic phenomena may become more common. The Gatwick drone drama of Christmas 2018 is a candidate. On the day that drones were spotted flying over Gatwick airport, we all wondered what was... More…
The Rise of Veganism?

The rise of veganism?

Sausage Rolls, Flexitarians and the Fight for Sustainability The beginning of a new year offers the chance for renewal (“new year, new you?”). Increasing numbers of people are subscribing to (orchestrated) campaigns to kickstart a healthier lifestyle. Giving up drinking... More…
Explainer: What is Resignation Syndrome and Why is it Affecting Refugee Children?

What is Resignation Syndrome

Reports from Nauru are raising concerns about an outbreak of a severe trauma-related mental disorder known as traumatic withdrawal syndrome, or resignation syndrome. Recent legal action resulted in urgent medical evacuation of a child in an unconscious state following a progressive social withdrawal... More…